

The refractive index of yellow sapphire can range from 1.757 to 1.770, while its specific gravity is typically between 3.98 and 4.00. The color variety of yellow sapphire can range from pale yellow to vibrant golden hues. The intensity of the color can affect the value and quality of the gemstone. Yellow sapphire can contain various types of inclusions, such as tiny crystals, gas bubbles, or other minerals. These inclusions can affect the clarity and overall appearance of the gemstone, thus impacting its value. It is important to have a trained eye when evaluating the quality of yellow sapphire and to consider the presence of inclusions in the assessment.

Wearing yellow sapphire is believed to bring several astrological benefits, such as enhancing intuition, promoting prosperity and success, and providing protection from negative energies. It is also said to improve communication skills and boost creativity. 